


MULI, Source Mansion, The Bund


Intelligent high definition - the real sense of the whole house personalized customization


In the heritage mansion of the Bund source, in the place where classical and modern blend, the grand opening of MULI, source mansion, the Bund. MULI· Yuandi · Bund Zhong MULI first proposed the concept of "smart high definition", showing the new concept of China's high definition home with the integrated charm of "smart X high definition".

In the sense of leading the change, the intelligent high definition inside and outside the wood is to integrate the intelligence into every space in a hidden way, from the modern sense of space design to the artistic connotation of decoration, and the first presentation of innovative products. Products are intelligent, intelligent is experience, doors, walls, cabinets, sound, light, electricity are unified in a scene, so as to achieve a high-quality home life more rich, advanced, specific needs to meet, is the real sense of advanced personalized customization.



Yue Minjun is a leading figure in Chinese contemporary art

Summer Garden, Oil on canvas 250x200cm


Year: 2019

As a series of works of "Smiling face", the iconic expression of teacher Yue Minjun, who has become a generation of artistic idols and is internationally renowned, "Summer Garden" appears in MULI, Yuandi and the Bund, highlighting the strong feelings and emotional connotations. "Smiley faces" sometimes appear independently, and sometimes in a collective face. "It" laughed, closed its eyes, and made exaggerated but confident movements.

Smiley face conveys a superficial, empty and blind life and mental state of contemporary society with strong symbolic and very strong visual power. The study space is exactly the contrast satire of such self-deprecating humor, and constructs a bridge of thinking between space and society.




MULI, Source Mansion, Bund shows the whole-house integration of "intelligent high definition" in the form of intelligent center. From the beginning of the viewer entering the foyer, the scene enters the welcome mode, lighting, music, air management, etc., are unified into a mode, invisibly reflecting the sense of advanced and quality in a way that integrates intelligence.




Even the gradual pattern of light in the stairwell with the pace is accurate and appropriate to express the details and spatial creation of the intelligent high definition concept. In the men's bedroom, you can witness the "hidden in the invisible" of the intelligent product, the equipment hidden in the wall, the care module hidden in the wardrobe, and the indoor lighting, curtains, TV, music and so on will change after opening the double knob scene mode, giving the space a high-level texture of life.



In the men's bedroom, you can witness the "hidden in the invisible" of the intelligent product, the equipment hidden in the wall, the care module hidden in the wardrobe, and the indoor lighting, curtains, TV, music and so on will change after opening the double knob scene mode, giving the space a high-level texture of life. Intelligence is a situational and subtle way to infiltrate everyday and your thinking.




The "hidden" opening and closing method makes the visual appearance of the kitchen clean and unified, and also makes the deep connection of the intelligent system have the best expression. After the kitchen system is adjusted to the entertainment mode, the projection system of the Nakajima kitchen will be turned on, and the lighting, music and curtains will be adjusted to the set mode, and a leisurely and relaxed atmosphere space will be displayed instantly.


Tan Ping artist educator

Untitled Acrylic on canvas 120x150cm

Year: 2019


Teacher Tan Ping's work Untitled gets rid of the shackles of concrete objects and directly uses a more subjective and conscious expression. This artist-like freedom and sensitivity are displayed as private colors and lines in the work. As if it will touch a person's sensitive nerves, everyone's self is living in the belonging of the "art" or artistic emotion sensitive nerves, in the words of teacher Tan Ping: what grows naturally, is the most vivid and real.

Belonging to the social kitchen space is also like a demonstration that social entertainment activities in private places such as home are themselves a jump between "self" and surrender of self. The balance and expression of its heart are the reflection and demonstration of the value of life and self-worth.

The kitchen space, in an integrated manner, creates a center of communication for family activities. Through the way of "social kitchen" and "intelligent high definition", the kitchen space, children's entertainment space, guest restaurant bar space and other functions are brought together to become a real family center.




MULI · Gendi · Outer Beach shows a new space expression in MULI - the Secret Room.



The same is the hidden way of opening and closing, we hope to express that there is a hidden door in the home, which can allow you to hide into your private space anytime and anywhere, and can open a door at any time to enter another world.

People's yearning for private space and mysterious space cannot be ignored. As everyone's private space and the secret place of each home, it can be used as a collection space to store some plays, jewelry, precious objects, etc., and can also be used as a private spiritual zone and a free and unfettered space.

The integrated presentation of "intelligent high definition" in the space gives a real personalized customized solution for high definition home, which is a new conceptual understanding of the whole house customization and overall design. The continuous exploration and innovation of the concept of Gaodin highlights the vision of the company to become the leader of the world's home furnishing concept, and also expresses the company's unremitting heart to explore the contemporary Gaodin.



Source mansion · Art environment life


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